Moderators: HeRetiK, The inner Core
Guitar_clock wrote:I'M BISEXUAL.I'M BISEXUAL
Spaced Ape wrote:Same way how I find it annoying when atheists treat being an atheist as a major part of their personality. Its not that I don't understand it, I just find it immature.
Spaced Ape wrote:So when you see two biracial same-sex people kissing on the subway your response isn't either 'GROSS!' or 'GOOD FOR THEM!'. Its 'meh' because we've learned as a society not to give a fuck about who we fuck. Shouldn't that be the ultimate goal?
HeRetiK wrote:One thing I find weird about the US is that there seem to be forms of organized atheism? Maybe it's just a fringe phenomena but it's something I don't get because that's the sort of organizational structure one tries to get rid of when leaving a church, no?
HeRetiK wrote:I think we can all agree that society would be better off if people would simply mind their own business more often (as long as no one is harmed of course). Until we've reached this state, however, I'm afraid that some "over"-correction is necessary to speed up the process (referring to any form of discrimination, not just sexual preference).
Spaced Ape wrote:American culture places a lot of weight on the structure and togetherness that being part of a church can provide. Therefor, when some lose the faith, they may still seek out that kind of unity, and so there are some atheist organizations that gather for similar purposes (be it picnics, volunteering, whatever a church might do sans religious practices).
Spaced Ape wrote:It feels less like my generation and those younger are fighting for cultural change, and more like they're seeking recognition from their peers by claiming to be part of LGBTQ+. Because the simple fact is that MOST people aren't strictly gender and/or sexually specific to one type. I think THAT should be the primary focus, that almost EVERYONE is part of this group and we must learn to embrace that about our humanity. This race to the bottom of who's the most repressed I fear will only go on to alienate more people from the truth. Hell, it took me years to recognize my own bisexuality, but I never felt the need to announce to the world that I might enjoy suckin' a cute twink's dick every once in a while.
HeRetiK wrote:That's the part I don't getCentering organized social events and community structures around atheism. Then again I don't know how deeply religion permeats everything else in the US so maybe that's the only way to be part of a community without getting religion into your face all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HeRetiK wrote:That's part of the American discourse where I'm completely out of the loop. Or rather, I see what's going on based on US media but I have no idea what to make of it since I only get a superficial look at what seems to be a very nuanced issue. Meaning I have absolutely no idea how much repression vs self-victimization is going on and I never will unless I start living in the US (and then of course it will depend on where I would live). Policy-wise the US seem ahead of Europe though. LGBTQ+ is of course also discussed over here, but the laws are slow to change. As are the people.
I must admit I don't get the self-labeling within sub-genres of gender and sexuality though. I don't mind, it just seems to me that too specialized / granular terminology for something as blurry as gender and sexuality defeats its own purpose. Then again I don't know how much of this terminology is actually in use or just focused on by media as example of "LGBTQ+ going too far".
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