Hello Mindistortion!

I'm new. I'm lost. I'm scared.

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The Omniscient
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Hello Mindistortion!

Postby The Omniscient » Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:59 pm

Hey MD, I stumbled across this site a few days ago and was shocked I'd actually found a part of the internet where people don't sound like fucking idiots! You sound like intelligent, half-decent and very open minded people; who are pretty damn hard to find on this planet.

So please, let me introduce myself.

I am very open minded, yet equally as judgemental. If that flows. It really depends on how I'm feeling.
I am agnostic, although occasionally I feel I should sway toward Buddhism.
I love music, most genres. I play a lot of it too on drums and electric guitar.
I'm vegetarian. I love the taste of meat, but I believe it's wrong to eat it.
I have lots ambitions in life, and my biggest goal sounds simple, but is probably one of the hardest for most people. To be a 'good' human being.

So, I hope I have made a good first impression to everyone on this board. I look forward to seeing your replies, and hope to stick around, if you'll have me of course. :)


- Omniscient

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Postby ƒrosty » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:54 pm

Omni wrote:I'm vegetarian. I love the taste of meat, but I believe it's wrong to eat it.

When we run out of pigs, you're next to go.

In all seriousness, no one's going to resist your presence, but the board's kinda slow these days. Feel free to drop a comment in whatever thread and see if you can't get these bastards to talk about something other than their day.

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Postby HeRetiK » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:51 am

Welcome to the MD forums! Yeah, they're in a semi-comatous state right now, you're very welcome to bring some fresh winds to the boards.

The Omniscient
Posts: 92
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Postby The Omniscient » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:11 pm

Well the lack of energy really does suck, I've looked through some past topics and there seemed to be a lot of vibe on here.

HeRetiK wrote:you're very welcome to bring some fresh winds to the boards.

That sounds good, I'd give it a while though before I invite any of my friends though, this isn't really their thing.

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Postby Azgarth » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:12 pm

Welcome ziltoid (sorry, once my mind makes a connection like that it can't let go, you'll probably remain ziltoid forever in my mind).
Enjoy your stay. Forum's on the wane, but it's been that way before, it always springs back eventually. Members leave, members come back, likewise with posts.
New blood definitely won't hurt though, 'n you look decent enough. Come on in.

The Omniscient
Posts: 92
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:31 pm

Postby The Omniscient » Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:25 am

Ziltoid! Haha, love it! I'm not a huge fan of Devin Townsend but that brightened my day up. Infact, scrap that, I'm not a fan at all. I think his music is terrible, but I'm cool with the name. I kinda like it actually.

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