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Showcase section back online

Postby HeRetiK » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:09 pm

I had to take the showcase section offline some weeks ago due to an error in the script that caused database problems. The cause of the problem has been finally found and fixed. Or so I hope. Oh and sorry for the lack of updates. I just don't get to work on new stuff as often as I used to. But I'm on it!

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Spaced Ape
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Postby Spaced Ape » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:24 pm

It's fine Hery. The community keeps the Distortion alive.
Is there a promised land
Or am I on the journey going to nowhere?
Are the streets paved with gold
Or am I slipping on the mold that slowly grows there?
DevilDriver - Monsters of the Deep

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Davion Fuxa
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Postby Davion Fuxa » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:25 am

I thought Hery's Flash kept the site alive? Or is that me just viewing the flash on the site as of now....
Its amazing what the mind can come up with, but it shows talent to make something of it. - Davion Fuxa

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Spaced Ape
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Postby Spaced Ape » Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:51 am

In the sense that even though there's nothing going on at the front, behind there is still livelihood.
Is there a promised land

Or am I on the journey going to nowhere?

Are the streets paved with gold

Or am I slipping on the mold that slowly grows there?

DevilDriver - Monsters of the Deep

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